Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years' Party! (a big maybe)

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Hey all. The Art de Trois dance has been postponed until tomorrow night... but we're working hard to get a BYOB, FREE event going on tonight at the same space. Stay tuned here or wait for a text message or call one of the DJs for details.

We've heard that liquor stores will be closing early, so take the time now to get your fix on lock. 

I hope to see you TONIGHT to ring in the REAL NEW YEAR....
There is a REAL chance we'll be snowed in tomorrow, so snacks and non-alcoholic beverages might also be a good idea.

DJ Joyride
Icedbreaks Entertainment

Hello and HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE everyone! This just is from the Art de Trois team:

Due to this particularly strong blizzard in Fargo, the Art de Trois dinner, art auction, and dance are officially postponed. We will host all 3 events tomorrow night. We do hope that you will stay warm and safe tonight. We have even heard that the Hospital (walk'ins, etc) are closed.

Stay safe and warm... and we'll pretend this never happened --- TOMORROW NIGHT.

The Art de TEAM!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

TRON 3D: The Big Invitation

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We've been waiting for so long... but with a couple of key events coming on TRON: LEGACY opening weekend (BassBinge is on Friday and EJ's Birthday is Saturday), I'm going to subvert my desire to see Tron in order to see it with my best friends on Sunday! It'll be our christmas gift for ourselves.

Here are the details:

Tron 3D: Group Outing with Icedbreaks and Friends

Sunday, December 19 · 1:00pm - 3:30pm

LocationMarcus West Acres 14
4101 17th Avenue SW
Fargo, ND
Facebook Event