Monday, January 26, 2009

Lovely Is Coming: February 13th

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Here is your invitation!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Upcoming Event: Lovely, February 13th, 2009

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On Friday, February 13th... Icedbreaks Entertainment and KNDS Radio present
a dance music event for the benefit of Fargo's Rape and Abuse Crisis Center (

Featuring the music of Minneapolis Femme Fatale DJ Ajent Orange &
Indian Music Maestro DJ Wardhan

More details to follow... If you would like a personal invitation to the event, please reply to: and I will make an effort to see that you receive one.

Bad day? F*** can help.

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When you're having a sh*tty day, and need to turn it around because you can't bare the thought of quitting before 9am --- take a second and smile at this site: 

Maybe you'll even have something to contribute.

Excerpt from today's posts:
Today, I broke the glass of the photocopier trying to photocopy my ass. My boss will be here in five hours. She'll know it was me. I'm the only night guardian. FML
Today, it's my birthday but I had to go to work. I catch the train and I am forced to sit next to this weird smelly dude who jumps off one stop before mine. A little old lady jumps on so I shuffle over so she can sit down with ease. Upon exiting the train i notice my pants are wet with smelly dude's piss. FML 

Monday, January 05, 2009

Who won the watch, already?

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On December 5th, Icedbreaks entertainment's DJ Joyride and new dj to the FM area, DJ aveey, played at Teaberry on Broadway for a show called frostbitten.

Thanks to those of you that attended. At that show our special sponsor, ODM Watches, gave away a Programmable LINK watch for FREE to Minda R (pictured, left). It looks like she loves it!

If you're interested in buying a watch like this, you can get prices 20-30% below retail from Icedbreaks Entertainment. Give us a call for pricing and availability. 701-729-5783.

Until the next show, PEACE!